Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Can you say "DUH?"

So, I told Ashlyn NOT to wear Aubrie's rollerblades because she could get hurt...well...here is what happened to her! Do you think this was her "aha" moment?


  1. Ouch... hope she is feeling ok. At least it is not in the middle of the hot summer!!!

    Madelyn jumped off my bed the other day and split her head in the back...remember when garrett did that on the window ledge...i wished you were here to tell me whether she needed to get stitches/staples or not.. we didn't go.

  2. I am glad you are back! I am sorry to see that Ashlyn broke her arm. That has got to hurt. Hope she'll be more careful (and listen) next time :)

  3. Oh poor thing! I feel her pain!
