Today at school was funny! The kids make me laugh. During group, we were in a small breakout room. Well, we were doing very well when...all of a sudden...someone just passes gas! A very, very
foul smell. We don't have any ventilation in this room. We can't open the door because we are in another teacher's room and we would be too loud. Everyone but one kid is covering their nose...some are gagging. There is a cute little boy in there, (Cannon). He was very doing so great at answering questions when all of a sudden...the smell hits him. He looks at me about to cry (or throw-up) and says "Teacher Miss Kristen---that smell is gonna make me so sick". It was so funny. We all had to plug our noses (except the one child) for about 5 minutes! It was nasty! The smell appeared later in our classroom. It wasn't so bad in there because the room is bigger. He looked at me and said "
can you smell it again". It was funny! I am glad that kids can pass gas and not care what other's think. It reminded me of the bumper sticker that says, "what would happen in the whole world farted at once". Well, that
ONE child let me know what would happen! We would all
That is hilarious!!!! That would be Jonah...the one passing the gas;)