Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ashlyn's State Fair

Ashlyn had a State Fair at School. This was a big report. She had several weeks to do it and I am ashamed to say that she waited almost to the last minute. Did I help her? I confess....I helped her get everything together...although she did the work. The report was on IOWA. I know alot about Iowa now...but don't want to visit! It was fun though!

Sitting in front of her Tri-Fold

Ashlyn's Tri-Fold

Ashlyn with a sample of the "food of Iowa" Cornbread. Since they harvest lots of corn...the eat tons of this!

This was the State cute!

Another picture of the float!

Here is Ashlyn and her friend Marisa. They both have broken arms! One red and the other blue!!! Good Job Ashlyn!

1 comment:

  1. What patriotic girls with their broken arms!! Way to go Ash!
