Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Scary moment!

So yesterday, I was coming home at 8:15 p.m. from getting my hair done...when....BOOM! A deer runs out in front of me and smashes my new car! Now, pretty depressing. I was scared "shitless". Sorry for the word, but that best describes it! There was ABSOLUTELY nothing I could do. By the time I saw the dang animal, it was in my headlights. Nonetheless, he most likely got up and ran away. He caused a few thousand dollars damage to my new car! But, good thing we have insurance. Everyone says's it could have been worse. I just wish it didn't happen. Now, we are waiting for insurance approval and to the body shop she goes! Yes...there is still hair STUCK to my bumber! But I am ok and people say my hair "looks great!"


  1. I'm so glad the kids weren't with you! Hope insurance covers all of it :) Sorry you're not going to St. George anymore---maybe you'll settle for coming over to our house instead
