E- Enthusiastic...very passionate about stuff too...like his stories!
T-Tremedously smart. This kid can write a novel in about an hour. We have tons of stories!
H-Heartwarming. Very kind and loving...I love my hugs and kisses each day!
A-AWESOME....absolutely, no doubt about it! :)
N-Nice,neighborly, inviting, imaginative, ideal, caring, compassionate, embraceable....
Yes, I love my son!
Quick story to share about Ethan, (his teacher was in tears telling me this). At the beginning of the year, they were doing a read aloud in class for a play and the girl in front of him couldn't read very well, and his teacher forgot this. Well, Ethan stood behind the girl and told her the words in her ear and did it in a way that no one would notice, but his teacher did. Just a KIND HEARTED boy. I know great things will come from this boy of mine. I am so thankful he is one of my children. I love them all soooooo much!
Happy Birthday Ethan!!! We hope you have a very wonderful and special day today!! We love you!